The Few With Boo

What It's Like To Lead A Team In The SubAntarctic Zone with Derek Stevens

Episode Summary

Team performance is less about capability and more about how individuals work together. To ensure the growth of an organisation, each person must trust, respect and have a mutual understanding of every role. This culture has never been more important as the workplace paradigm has shifted since COVID. With brands and businesses relying more on remote teams, how do you manage this change of pace and set-up? Are there leadership and management systems that guide your team in the right direction despite being in different locations? How do you identify the values with all these changes occurring? We bring in a fresh take on this new working dynamic in today's episode of The Few. Currently serving as the Station Leader at the Australian Antarctic Division, Derek Stevens works in an environment where the success of an operation depends on how well his team can integrate and work together. Derek shares how this experience can transfer to your team, highlighting instrumental strategies for conflict resolution and progress in all departments. Are you ready to accomplish this new challenge?

Episode Notes

Highlights From Today’s Episode: